This website is operated by the Felix Platter-Spital, located in Basel, Switzerland (Burgfelderstrasse 101; 4055 Basel) (FPS or "we"). The website is intended for all persons who access it. The Website and the General Terms of Use are governed by the relevant legal provisions of Switzerland. Persons who access the website (users or "you") agree to the following terms and conditions and in particular accept the disclaimer.
Changes or additions to these general terms of use and the contents of this website may be made at any time without notice and shall become effective immediately upon publication on this website.
The user has no claim to access to this website and to the error-free technical availability of the website. We may block or restrict access to the website at any time and without notice. The user is obliged to provide truthful information and hereby declares that he is at least 18 years old. The user is prohibited from using CogCheck for purposes other than those for which it was intended, and in particular from storing, processing or making accessible criminal or illegal content of any kind. Data from other persons may only be uploaded if they are legitimized to do so in accordance with the law (e.g. express consent of the person concerned).
The contents of this website (contents) serve exclusively for general information and enable the web-based execution of the computerized examination instrument "CogCheck" for recording brain performance by means of a personalized login.
All contents of this website can be changed, supplemented or removed by the FPS at any time without notice.
The user is expressly advised that medical information or the results obtained by the CogCheck (cognitive performance test on the iPad) on this website can in no way replace personal consultation and/or interpretation/examination by a physician or qualified medical professional. The user is responsible for ensuring that he/she is authorized to enter the medical information on CogCheck.
This website contains links to the website of other providers. These links are provided solely as a convenience to the user of the website and do not constitute an endorsement of the content of any other website. In principle, the FPS cannot accept any responsibility for a website of another provider. Therefore, activation of a link is at the user's own risk. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party site linked to our site to determine how your personally identifiable information will be used.
The user may display, save, print and copy the contents for exclusively private, i.e. non-commercial use. In doing so, the contents may not be modified by the user and all references to copyrights and trademarks must be preserved. Any further use of the contents or parts thereof requires the prior written consent of the FPS.
In particular, the following are prohibited without the prior written consent of the FPS:
Information on data protection and the processing of personal data by the FPS can be found in our privacy policy.
The FPS checks the contents for accuracy and up-to-dateness. However, the FPS cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the content. Any liability for damages of the user or third parties resulting from the use of the contents is rejected by the FPS. Furthermore, the FPS does not provide any services or technical support in connection with the use of the computerized examination instrument "CogCheck".
Furthermore, the FPS cannot guarantee that the website is free of viruses or other harmful components and is not liable for any resulting damage to the user or third parties.
Swiss law is exclusively applicable. Should one or more of these terms and conditions of use be or become invalid in whole or in part due to legal provisions, regulations or changes in the law, all other terms and conditions of use shall remain in force and the valid provision that comes closest to the intended purpose of the invalid provision shall apply. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Basel-Stadt, Switzerland.
This page was translated with DeepL. In case of ambiguity or doubt, the original German translation applies.